What is Integrated Counselling?

Integrative counselling doesn't limit itself to a single method.
It pulls therapeutic tools from a wide array of evidence-based psychotherapy & wellness-based approaches.
It's therapy customised for your needs.

How does an Integrative Approach work?
An integrative approach recognises that our behaviours and experiences are shaped by a complex interplay of internal and external factors. Some of these are within our control, while many are not. At times, these layers may conflict or remain unconscious, yet they collectively influence how we experience the world and the stories we tell ourselves.
By using a variety of evidence-based therapeutic methods, we can untangle these layers—sometimes addressing multiple aspects at once, and at other times, working with more targeted intention.
In most single-theory approaches, there is an assumption that change in one area—whether it's emotional feelings, thinking processes, or behaviour—will automatically lead to change in the others.
In an integrative view, strategies that are most effective in addressing each of these areas come from different theoretical models. Rather than focusing on just one aspect of self—emotional, cognitive, behavioural, or somatic—an integrative approach integrates all these dimensions.
What to expect from Integrative Counselling
You can expect a personalised, flexible approach that adapts to your unique needs and challenges. Together we will explore the different layers of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviours in a safe, compassionate space.
The process is collaborative. I’ll draw from a range of evidence-based therapeutic methods, adapting our work to meet you where you are.
Whether we’re identifying unhelpful thought patterns, processing emotions, or encouraging positive changes in behaviour, you can expect a flexible, compassionate approach that evolves with you as you grow throughout your counselling journey.
If you’d like to know more about the therapeutic approaches I use, or how integrative counselling might support you, I warmly invite you to reach out and get in touch. I'd love to hear from you.